Then his cell phone rang. It was my mom. Travis was sick and complaining of a headache. He felt warm to the touch and wouldn't stop crying. Poor boy. She urged us to stay over still. After checking in a few more times and finding out he was sound asleep on Mimi's bed, we decided we would stay but the tone of the trip definitely changed. We were parents again. He seemed okay yesterday until about 6:00. Then he complained about another headache and fell asleep on my bed. We made plans to have him stay home with me today. I took him to the doctor and he has strep. Yuck. As an afterthought I had the doctor look in Chelsea's ears to make sure she was still clear from her last bout of ear infection. Sure enough... she has an ear infection in her right ear again. Double trouble! Two prescriptions...two Happy Meals...two rest times this afternoon. And I am home with them tomorrow, too. The kicker is that if I didn't have the test results in my hand, I would think they were A-okay. They are both doing fine.
I came home from the doctor's office and a surprise was waiting for me. My cyber buddy had mailed me a package with four blue graniteware pie tins and a blue basin. She also made me a beautiful stitchery of a grapevine wreath with stars. It was like a visit from Santa. I loved the blue enamelware but I was so touched and happy when I saw the sampler. It is just so pretty. I had just sent out the treasures I had found her at Brimfield on Friday, so hopefully she will get hers soon, too.
Construction marches on. They have poured the foundation and done some work around the base of the house. I have yet to take a picture of that. Apparently they are going to back-fill the yard tomorrow or the following day. More updates to follow.
Again I am sorry to hear the kiddos are sick :( But I'm happy to hear that the package cheered you up when you arrived home from the doctor's visit! Perfect timing! And I'm still thrilled that you love everything :)
Hope the week gets better!
Oh I hope the kids are feeling better!! That stinks!
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